Mother Dear mother I have loved you since the day my eyes first beheld you. I loved you when you sang to me and held me on your knee. When I stood uncertain at the school gate you were there to reassure me. You gave me praise in my learnings and confidence became me When you disciplined me good conscience you grew in me. You were there to pick up my failures and challenge me to try again. All through my life you have been there beside me, even when I was far away. You came to find me my ever loving and constant mother. It was already the autumn of your life when I returned To give a little back to you And we delighted in our garden walks, although your steps Were now more frail. Knitting cooking and laughing still – you were our joy. Age indeed bent your back but not your spirit for a fight In kind love Our Lord took you one morning, while you made a cup of tea. I like to think he spared you a winter where you could only forget That wonderful life you have lived. Your loss does not diminish my love as I see you in your chair For I know your spirit has flown but yet you are still there I shall indeed walk in the garden and know you are but a breath away Now a guardian angel to hear our loving prayers.